Identity and travel documents are increasingly being counterfeited or tampered with, leading to a rise in transnational crime such as human trafficking or terrorism.
Additionally, solely relying on identity and travel verification at the border is inefficient as it creates hassle for both travellers and border authorities with strenuous queues and inefficient resources distribution. Currently, border crossing is far from seamless for all parties involved and calls for innovation for a more frictionless, secure and efficient border crossing experience.
There is thus a need for trustworthy technologies to provide both reliable and efficient frictionless identification and secure identity and travel document verification. Learn how the SafeTravellers solutions address the issue below.
SafeTravellers introduces a new identity management platform combining European Union and Third Country National citizen identification based on multi-modal biometrics, relying the on voluntary enrolment of fingerprints and face by individuals pre-travelling, and improved identity and travel document verification using a set of mechanisms to detect and prevent attacks on biometric systems.
The one-of-its-kind distributed European Multi-Biometric Data Space introduced by SafeTravellers will allow cross-border identity checks without transferring or revealing any personal data while allowing Member States to keep the data of their citizens.
The project places privacy and fairness at the center of its research. SafeTravellers is compliant with existing and upcoming EU regulation. The solution adheres to ethical standards, is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and incorporates privacy-preserving mechanisms like homomorphic encryption to safeguard citizens’ biometric data. It is aware of the ethical and societal issues underlying security research and considers privacy, consent, and bias mitigation as core components of the development and exploitation of the proposed solution.
Check our Technologies (hyperlink) page to learn more.